Academics Baner 2


At Laerskool Queenswood, we are committed to providing a comprehensive and enriching academic experience that prepares students for success in an ever-evolving world. Our dedicated faculty members are passionate about nurturing the intellectual curiosity of each student and fostering a love for lifelong learning.

Foundation Phase

By ons Grondslagfase Graad 1 - 3 is elke leerder en sy uniekheid vir ons belangrik. Leerders word in liefde ontvang en begelei. Ons strewe daarna om elke leerder te bemagtig om in ‘n gelukkige, geborge atmosfeer ‘n liefde vir leer te ontwikkel.

Vakke in Grondslagfase:
Afrikaans Huistaal
Engels Eerste addisionele taal
Lewensvaardigheid Aanvangskennis- Persoonlike en sosiale welsyn,  Skeppende en Uitvoerende kuns,   Liggaamlike opvoeding

Intermediate Phase

Die Q'Wiet-personeel sien daagliks daarna uit om hul kennis en vaardighede oor te dra en toe te pas om sodoende ‘n positiewe impak te maak op die onderrig van alle q'wiet-leerders.

Vakke in Graad 4 - 6:
English First Additional Language
Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie
Sosiale Wetenskap

Vakke in Graad 7:
English First Additional Language
Sosiale Wetenskap
Skeppende Kunste
Ekonomiese Bestuurswetenskappe

Grade 1-7

Laerskool Queenswood's approach to education aims to cultivate creative learners and independent children,
people who are really prepared for the future and life beyond school. It is a great challenge for us all to achieve these goals
- a challenge that we all accept!

Laerskool Queenswood is a school that acknowledges the uniqueness of every child and has a true understanding of childhood,
trying to teach our children HOW to learn and not WHAT to learn. We acknowledge the fact that every child needs support and help
- this is what justifies the existence of our school.
Furthermore, we aim to see a good balance between academics, sport and culture.
Knowledge, skills and attitudes are developed in such a way to allow for a meaningful transition into high schools.

The content of each subject has been progressively addressed to suit every learner's level and grade.
Basic literacy remains the instrument with which life skills are addressed.
Content is presented in a way that reflects real life perspective and focuses on learning of life skills.


Subjects are also integrated with each other where appropriate.
Content is no longer precisely demarcated for each subject.
In a particular subject, different subjects may be discussed at the same time.

Grade 1-3

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Grade 4 - 6

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Grade 7

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